Minggu, 15 Desember 2013

Azalea fazh (online shop)

♥ Azalea Fazh adalah sebuah toko online yang menjual barang-barang fashion secara ready dengan harga terjangkau dan kualitas dapat dipercaya.

 www.azalea-fazh.com mulai dikenalkan ke publik pada tanggal 1 september 2013. Website ini diperuntukkan bagi para customer di seluruh Indonesia agar dapat memesan produk kami dengan mudah. Selain itu juga untuk mempermudah pengambilan gambar bagi para reseller atau pun anda yang akan bergabung menjadi reseller kami karena koleksi lengkap kami tersedia di website www.azalea-fazh.com

♥ Kami menjual barang-barang berupa pakaian muslim atau hijabers, baju fashion wanita-pria import maupun lokal, baju rajutan, baju couple, baju anak, dan kosmetik.

♥ Kami adalah supplier tangan pertama oleh karena itu para reseller bisa mendapatkan harga termurah dengan kualitas terbaik sehingga dapat bersaing di pasaran.

♥ Kami ucapkan banyak terimakasih bagi rekan-rekan kerja yang telah bekerja sama dengan kami sebelumnya ataupun anda yang akan menjadi calon reseller ataupun partner kami di masa depan.

contoh  baju di azalea-fazh 

yuk kunjungi segera toko azalea-fazh 

Minggu, 03 November 2013


 1. In the more simple state of the Arabs, the nation is free, because each of her sons disdains a base submission to the will of a master -Gibbon. By examining this sentence we notice several words used as names. The plainest name is Arabs, which belongs to a people; but, besides this one, the words sons and master name objects, and may belong to any of those objects. The words state, submission, and will are evidently names of a different kind, as they stand for ideas, not objects; and the word nation stands for a whole group. When the meaning of each of these words has once been understood, the word naming it will always call up the thing or idea itself. Such words are called nouns.

2. A noun is a name word, representing directly to the mind an object, substance, or idea.

3. Nouns are classified as follows:- (1) Proper. (2) Common. (a) CLASS NAMES: • i. Individual. • ii. Collective. (b) MATERIAL. (3) Abstract. (a) ATTRIBUTE. (b) VERBAL

4. A proper noun is a name applied to a particular object, whether person, place, or thing. It specializes or limits the thing to which it is applied, reducing it to a narrow application. Thus, city is a word applied to any one of its kind; but Chicago names one city, and fixes the attention upon that particular city. King may be applied to any ruler of a kingdom, but Alfred the Great is the name of one king only. The word proper is from a Latin word meaning limited, belonging to one This does not imply, however, that a proper name can be applied to only one object, but that each time such a name is applied it is fixed or proper to that object. Even if there are several Bostons or Manchesters, the name of each is an individual or proper name.

5. A common noun is a name possessed by any one of a class of persons, animals, or things. Common, as here used, is from a Latin word which means general, possessed by all For instance, road is a word that names any highway outside of cities; wagon is a term that names any vehicle of a certain kind used for hauling: the words are of the widest application. We may say, the man here, or the man in front of you, but the word man is here hedged in by other words or word groups: the name itself is of general application. These are called COLLECTIVE NOUNS. They properly belong under common nouns, because each group is considered as a unit, and the name applied to it belongs to any group of its class. their identity as nouns; they do not express quality; they cannot be compared, as descriptive adjectives are. They are more like the possessive noun, which belongs to another word, but is still a noun. They may be regarded as elliptical expressions, meaning a walk in the morning, a bank in New York, a bill as to tax on the banks, etc. NOTE. -If the descriptive word be a material noun, it may be regarded as changed to an adjective. The term "gold pen" conveys the same idea as "golden pen," which contains a pure adjective. WORDS AND WORD GROUPS USED AS NOUNS. 19. Owing to the scarcity of distinctive forms, and to the consequent flexibility of English speech, words which are usually other parts of speech are often used as nouns; and various word groups may take the place of nouns by being used as nouns. SOURCE: http://classiclit.about.com/library/bl-etexts/wmbaskervill/bl-wmbaskervill-grammar-parts-nouns.htm

Kamis, 23 Mei 2013

Invitation Letter

Extend an Invitation to Speak or Perform

Discover the letter recipe for Extend an Invitation to Speak or Perform.

Sample Letter #1

Each year Doe Corporation holds a summer retreat for all division managers to reevaluate their programs and plan for fall sales events. This year we are focusing on time management. We know of your expertise in this area and hope that you will accept our invitation to present a half-day workshop for our managers during the morning of July 15. We know you have a heavy schedule, but perhaps our early invitation will fit in your calendar.
We will meet in the main conference room of the Doe Hotel in Springfield. You will be our only presenter. We invite you to answer questions that afternoon, but we understand if that is not possible. Our managers are eager to learn from you.
We can offer you an honorarium of $1,000 plus reimbursement of travel expenses. I think you will find your visit to Springfield and the retreat a stimulating experience.
It would be very helpful in formalizing our plans if we could receive you response by January 1. We sincerely hope you will be able to join us on July 15.

Sample Letter #2

Every year the Doe Modern Arts Association holds an awards night to honor accomplished artists in our state. For this year's program, we will feature new and progressive artistic groups like yours.
In a matter of one year, your vocal group has become well known for its unique style and fantastic range. We will be honored if you will help us celebrate this year's accomplishments in modern art by performing two selections for us on the evening of October 2.
If you can accept our invitation, we will be happy to pay for your travel and lodging. We must make final plans by August 15, so we will appreciate your early reply.

Sample Letter #3

Doe's is holding its annual Outdoors Exposition, which showcases the goods and services available to outdoors enthusiasts in Springfield. As part of the program we are featuring several noted athletes and outdoors personalities. We would be honored if you would present a slideshow of your experiences in the Andes Mountains on the evening of May 14. The event takes place in Doe Park, and the Park Theater people have graciously lent their space for slideshows and workshops.
I have seen your excellent slideshow and narration before, so I know we could add little in the way of equipment or service. We are prepared to offer what I understand is your usual fee, $200. It would be very helpful if we could have your answer by April 1, so that we may print posters and prepare other print ads. We are very hopeful that you will be able to join us. Your presentation would make an excellent addition to the Exposition.

Order Letter

Your immediate attention, please! Classes begin in three days and we desperately need forty more history books as indicated below:
Title: Comprehensive History of the United States
Author: Doe, John
ISBN: 0-2967539-x
Class: History 101, American History
Required: 40 books
Type: Hardback
Please ship the books air express and forward the invoice to Doe Academy, 1600 Main Street, Springfield, Kansas 12345. We will make prompt payment. Please call me at 555-5555 if you have any questions. We sincerely appreciate your rapid response.

Sample Letter #2

RE: Rush order
Please rush by overnight mail the items listed below:
We are under contract to deliver programmed diskettes to Doe International by March 31, so we must have this order in our office no later than Wednesday, March 27. Please ship the diskettes COD to the address given in our letterhead.

Sample Letter #3

Re: URGENT! Rush order! Please ship this order immediately. We require the following:
Walfield Wedges downhill skis, two pairs, 185 cm Walfield Wedges downhill skis, one pair, 175 cm Walfield FootBinders downhill ski bindings, four sets Purchase order number 1234-5 (promotional). This order must arrive by Saturday, November 25, or we cannot hold the Walfield promotional ski evening at Springfield ski resort.
Ship to our main store at 1600 Main Street in Springfield. Thank you.

Memo Aplication Letter

Memo Sections

Memorandums generally consist of a heading section, an opening paragraph or section, the body section, and a closing paragraph or section.


The heading section identifies the recipients of the memo, the sender, the date the memo was sent, and the subject (or purpose) of the memo. In the heading, determine to whom you are going to send the letter (that is, your audience). Include all those who really need to receive the information, but don't include anyone who doesn't�doing so just wastes their time and your money. Make sure to spell names correctly and to include the complete name and correct titles of recipients. The subject line should be specific enough to convey the main purpose of the memo (for example, "Mandatory Employee Benefits Meeting on Friday, June 4" rather than "Meeting"). The heading generally looks like this:
TO: (recipients' names and job titles)
FROM: (your name and job title)
DATE: (current date)
SUBJECT: (purpose of the memo)
You may choose to include your initials after your name and job title in the "From" line to show that you approve the contents of the memo (if you asked someone else, such as a secretary or administrative assistant) to write it on your behalf) or to authenticate the letter.


The opening paragraph or section states the purpose of the memo. It is generally quite brief�usually, no more than a few sentences. If, for example, the memo is in response to a particular problem, state the problem clearly. If, on the other hand, the purpose of the memo is to introduce a new policy or to provide a project update, briefly state that fact. Save the details of the memo for the next section. For longer memos (memos longer than about a page), the opening section might begin with a brief overview of the rest of the document (you can also include this information in a separate "Summary" section above the opening paragraph; NAME THAT CONTENT OF SUMMARY??). Memos do not begin with a salutation.


In the body (or discussion) section of the memo, include any information the reader might need to know. The most important (and most specific) information should come first, followed by less important (and more general) information. Do not include information that is not important for readers, but let them know enough that they can understand the seriousness of the problem, the reasons for the change in policy, the research that was conducted that brought the problem to your attention, the details about the promotion, problems that could occur if action is not taken, the current status of the project, et cetera. Keep in mind that memos are meant to be brief (most are not longer than a page).
If you have included an attachment�such as a graph, chart, list, or a more detailed summary of research findings�you may want to identify it here if appropriate, or you can do so in the closing section.
For longer memos, use headings to help the reader quickly grasp the main points of the memo. If your memo is longer than a page, repeat the "To" line, the date, and the subject line on and add a page number to subsequent pages. Numbered and bulleted lists also allow the reader to scan information quickly. Try to keep sentences and paragraphs short and concise.


In the closing paragraph or section, indicate your recommendations, the action you want the reader to take, or (if no particular action is necessary) end the memo on a positive note. This section can often be very brief, but don't make it so brief that the reader is unclear about what he or she is supposed to do. Make sure to include enough information to clearly convey your request. If possible, include (or reiterate) the benefits the reader will receive by completing the action (such as improving office safety by following the new policy), and indicate anything you are doing or will do to help or make it easier for the reader complete the action.
If some readers may not have it, then you should include your contact information, such as your work phone number or e-mail address.
Traditionally, memos have not included signature lines. The practice of doing so is becoming more common, however. In such cases, the written signature is followed below by the typed name of the sender. No closing remark such as Sincerely or Best regards is necessary.
If you have included any attachments with your memo, identify them here. For example:
Attached: May 25 Training Seminar Agenda

Formatting the Business Memo

Format the document so that paragraphs are flush left, and insert an extra hard return before the first opening paragraph, before each heading, and between paragraphs of text.


Written well, business memos are an efficient, effective way to communicate within an organization. For more information on business writing, see the articles Effective Business Writing and Writing an Effective Business Document.

Complaining Letter

Complain About a Radio or Television Broadcast

Dr. Mel Luthy, Chief Editor
Be creative with the letter recipe. What is a letter recipe?

Sample Letter #1

We are writing to express our displeasure with your report on our Youth Bible Conference. First of all, it was not limited to a "fringe group" of one particular religion, but had the support and participation of all Protestant groups in the State. Nothing was said about the study sessions, talks, and publications that came out of the meetings. In fact, your broadcast seemed to focus on one unfortunate incident in which a homeless man had an altercation with a security guard. This was hardly what the conference was about. In all, your coverage was so inaccurate that it could lead one to believe that your station has significant prejudice against religious groups, regardless of their activities.
An apology is in order. You should consider the ramifications of such irresponsible reporting, which will surely not go unnoticed by the public. As for the undersigned and the hundreds who were in attendance, we have lost confidence in the credibility of your news reports. We hope you are interested in regaining this confidence and look forward to your correcting the problem.

Sample Letter #2

I have always allowed my children to watch your station uncensored because of its family-centered programming, but yesterday afternoon I saw your new pilot program "Two." The language and the material were shocking, and I was saddened that the one station I had trusted had stooped so low.
Please discontinue that program after its initial contract ends, so we can once again enjoy watching Springfield's local station.

Sample Letter #3

When I sit down to watch a sitcom with my children between the hours of 7:00 and 9:00 p.m., I expect family entertainment. Imagine my surprise as we watched "Captain Creep" last night when not one, but two nearly naked actresses danced across our screen into the bed of one eager actor. Money is the only excuse for broadcasting such garbage. I am writing the show's sponsors to tell them that my money is going elsewhere until this show is moved to a different time slot or removed altogether. I hope you see the wisdom of cleaning up prime time programming.

Inquiry Letter

Inquiry letter is a kind of letter of demand or request information about a product, service, job postings or another business information.

             In general, common function of this letter is to respond to an advertisement of information sources such as newspapers, magazines or electronic media about a product / service as we are interested in the information obtained.

             Usually this letter is an initial step in building a business or cooperation of two parties: the provider of products / services and buyers of products / services.

             In this letter, there are some things that are discussed by the providers of services / products is the question of the buyer in order to help buyers themselves to find out information about products / services. Those things include:

a. Name and type of product
b. Product specifications, namely the type, size, quality, capacity and others;
c. Unit price.
d. Discounts;
e. The method of payment from the buyer to the seller;
f. Way of delivery of the product from the seller to the buyer, and
g. Ease that may be obtained by the buyer, such as warranty and others.
·         Example of  Inquiry letter  :

I recently attended the National Doe Conference and enjoyed your lecture on time management. Would you mind sending me copy of the bibliography that you referred to at the end of your presentation? Your ideas are a perfect match for goals that my staff and I have to maximize our office efficiency.
Please send the information directly to my office address:
John Doe
1600 Main Street
Springfield, Kansas 12345
Thank you for your time. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

 parts inquiry letter is:
1. Masthead (header)
Listed address, if an agency / company, at the head of the letter could also use the letterhead of the company / institution where you work and simply write the destination address of the company.
2. Letter dated (date); example in the letter above: 25 june 2009
3. Opener (openning)
Always begins with the opening greeting. In the opening depends formal letter / informal.
Examples of non-formal: Dear Rara

Example for formal: To Whom It May Concern

4. Reference (Reference)
The first paragraph always begins with a reference that you encounter on the target company. The reference could be advertising in print and electronic media or other business information that you get from a business colleague who works in the company. The common expression used is as follows:
With reference to your advertisement (ad) in ... or
Regarding your advertisement (ad) in ...
5. request for information
After the reference, you can proceed to write an application that you want to get information. The common expression used is as follows:
Would you please send me ... Or Could you please send me ...
If there is other information you want to know, you can write the following expression:
I would also like to know ... Or Could you tell me Whether ...
6. Cover and signature (signature)
Expressions commonly used in the cover are:
Sincerely Or formal expression which is also commonly used are: Yours faithfully
After writing the cover, note the name and position (if you are a member of staff in a company).

Reference :

Senin, 08 April 2013

Mau bakso murah, nikmat dan big portion? yuk ngebakso kotak !

Setiap melintas Perumnas 2 Bekasi, saya sering melihat 1 warung bakso yang penuhnya amit-amit jabang bayi (x_x), letaknya di hook, sebelah suatu supermarket. Saya tertarik untuk mencicipi, ada apa sih yang membuat tempat tersebut ramai? Nama warungnya Bakso Kotak Palakali, wah aneh-aneh saja, bakso yang biasanya bulat dibuat kotak.
Lokasi Bakso Kotak Palakali Bekasi

Suasana di dalam tempat tersebut agak panas dan sumpek, agak sulit mencari tempat duduk, parkirannya juga susah :( . Menu yang disediakan adalah mie ayam, bakso kotak dan bakso urat. Bakso kotaknya saya akui memang lembut, mirip bakso gepeng tapi ada daging di bagian tengahnya. Konon awalnya pendiri warung ini, seorang mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia, memang terinspirasi oleh bakso gepeng yang sempat populer pada sekitar 2005 lalu, mungkin supaya beda yah, dia bikin kotak bentuknya :) . Sementara itu ukuran bakso uratnya besarrrr sekali, cukup menggugah selera kalau melihatnya. Tapi kalau bicara soal rasa menurut saya rasanya biasa saja, tidak terlalu spesial. Bakso Kotak Palakali yang saya cicipi tersebut terletak di Jalan Gurame Perumnas 2 Bekasi, kalau dilihat di spanduknya ada cabang lain di Jalan Palakali Depok, saya sendiri belum pernah mengunjungi yang cabang Depok, entah sama penuhnya seperti yang Bekasi atau tidak.
Bakso Kotak

Bakso Urat
Menurut saya rasa makanan di Bakso Kotak Palakali cukup memperoleh nilai 3 dari skala nilai maksimum 5 yang artinya lumayan. Ini adalah penilaian pribadi saya yang bukan warga sekitar Perumnas 2, tapi kalau melihat kepadatan pengunjungnya, sepertinya rasa warung bakso ini cocok sekali dengan selera warga sekitar. :)

Rabu, 23 Januari 2013


kholishoh punya toko online namanya Azalea Fazh :)
menjual pakaian pria dan wanita

info dan order
hp : 08567733023
fb : Azalea Fazh

kalau videonya susah dibuka,, biar gampang boleh lihat video yang sama dengan klik di bawah ini yah :)